So I promised on my facebook about a year and a half ago that I was going to start blogging. After Sarah and I helped Amy (and by 'help' I mean make it for her) make a blog last week I decided it is time I actually do something with mine. For the love of Pete... It has been sitting here with a cute background on it and everything just waiting for me to start putting my hilarity down in type. Fasten your seatbelts! Here you shall have it! Let the hilarity commence!!!
For the last couple years our family has drawn names for Christmas. I think most of the sibs would rather buy for couples but I like to make things difficult by being the only single one. No, my life partner Marilyn (my mom) doesn't count. However, I have decided to break the rules. I am feeling particularly crafty this year and since I have found myself with a few spare hours on my hands I am going to make some crafty crap. Look out peeps! I already have my Parsons girls done. I am in the process of starting gifts for... well, I don't know who but whoever gets them is going to be DAMN lucky because they are going to be CUTE! This unemployment stuff is really working out for me!
Anywho, I must be going. I borrowed Sarah's Dyson a week ago and should probably finish using it. I am considering marrying it but I don't want to make Diet Coke jealous. Diet Coke and I have had a very long romance. I wouldn't want to hurt it's feelings! There will be much, much more from me soon! And if you are all lucky you may just get a picture or two!
Love to you all!